Friday, December 14, 2012

The Art of Photography

Is photography art? Or is art photography?
This has been a highly debated subject over the past century, ever since technology evolved into what it is today. You can call art vision, imagination, or seeing, but it all comes down to the same thing: art is the ability to envision a final result in your mind's eye, and then to make it reality with the tools at hand. Cameras are our tools and photos are the final result. It's never been about the device. It's always been about seeing something, knowing how you want it to look, and making it sculpting it perfectly to your imagination.
Making it so is the easy part.
Seeing it in the first place is what makes a photographer an artist.
Power of observation is essential.
And snapping a camera is trivial.
Photography and painting are the same. Each renders imagination in a concrete form. The difference is that painters can work from mere imagination while photographers have life as a starting point. Both can take lifetimes to master the tools to make imaginations exactly as we intend. 
Although, its only one facet in art, I believe photography is definitely art.
My favorite form of art. 

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