Friday, December 14, 2012

Arts/Cultural Event: Zac Brown Band

October 10, 2012. I see cowboy boots, jean shorts, and plaid everywhere! Including myself. My roommate, Sophie and I are strolling through the Bryce Jordan Center, followed by two other girls, Kiersten and Maria who live down the halls from us. The sounds of our cowboy boots clack on the shiny floor and we’re profusely rubbing our arms to warm up after walking all the way from East halls through the bitter, October cold. Just earlier that day, I remember feeling really sick in the morning and thinking, “I’m definitely not going to be able to go.” I had skipped almost all of my classes that day in hopes of getting better, but I still remained in bed all day with Zac Brown Band playing lightly on my Spotify. It was such a tease and I don’t know why I would put myself through that, but I just didn’t have the energy to get up and change it. Every time the song ‘Chicken Fried’, I died a little bit inside. Why of all days, does my immune system choose to fail me now?
Around five o’ clock that evening, Sophie gets back from class and begins to try on different country themed outfits. Kiersten and Maria would also casually stroll into the room and ask opinions on their own arrangement of plaid and denim. I was so jealous. By the time ‘Chicken Fried’ came on for what seemed like the hundredth time, I made a rash decision, jumped out of bed, and declared, “I’m going!” I quickly showered, changed into a simple white dress and a denim button down, pairing the outfit with brown boots, and out the door we went.
After a quick ten minute walk to the BJC, here I stand in the stands, feeling completely cured and absolutely completely in shock that I will be seeing my all time favorite band in mere minutes. After the opening band left the stage and the stage turned dark, I was shaking with excitement. All of a sudden, the lights went crazy and there he was, Zac Brown! The next hour was full of dramatic lighting, t-shirt guns firing into the crowd, and everyone in the BJC becoming one voice and singing together to the melody of the music. After a couple hours, I was starting to lose my voice, but I was waiting for just one thing. My waiting paid off during the very last song of the concert, Chicken Fried! The crowd absolutely exploded and I was screaming at the top of my lungs until the very end. I inevitably lost my voice the next day but it was worth it for the perfect ending to a perfect concert.   

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