Monday, December 10, 2012

Beginning of the End

Beginning of the End:

1) English 15 Seminar; my very first college class. August 27th, set my alarm super early so I could shower, get ready in my preplanned outfit, and have even more time to navigate my way through Penn State’s enormous campus (with an even bigger map, making it obvious that I am indeed a freshman). That day was sunny, perfect, and the air just rang with the pending excitement of the start of something new. Stepping into Willard for the first time, I expected I would be stepping into a big auditorium where class would take place with a couple hundred other undergrads. I had been warned about how big Penn State classrooms could be before even applying here, and I had been bracing myself all summer for them. Therefore, much to my surprise I was quite ecstatic to learn that my first class only consisted of about 20 or so people. I walked in and there was barely anyone in the classroom so I checked the time…I was 15 minutes early. Guess I planned out too much walking time. That never happened again. The day went by very fast. We were informed about our several projects, met our very nice professor, and that was the end of it; so far, so good. I can’t believe that was more than three months ago.

As the year progressed, I found out that this English class was by far, not only my first, but also my favorite college class this semester. This is due to many reasons, the first of which being it was my smallest class. All of my other classes confirmed my previous fears of huge lecture halls. Another reason is my all of a sudden liking towards writing. I blame all of the blogging. When we were informed that our biggest project in the class would be to make a blog and write in it occasionally, I have to admit that I wasn’t too enthused. In the past, I had always dreaded writing essays and I never even really understood the concept of blogging. I always thought that bloggers were either just angry people venting or a place for moms to trade recipes. This class changed my past opinions entirely. I learned that could indeed be for normal people talking about their adventures. And we did go on many adventures in this English class, such as a trip to an arboretum, and art museum and even a university run play. Not any ordinary English class that I had experienced in the past. The only catch was that we had to blog about our adventures. At first, I was a little hesitant, merely because I disliked writing anything in general, but our blog project changed that. I learned that writing for enjoyment was much better than the essays from high school. Instead of sitting down, trying to write about some obscure subject that in no way relates to you at all, I got to sit down and actually write about my day. Such a nice change. From this I learned that writing can actually be enjoyable. Blogging for me was just like telling somebody about my day and then writing it all down. Easy Peasy. That, to me was the most important thing I got from this English 15 class; a newly found enjoyment in writing.












3) Ms. S, I filled out the SRTEs! J

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